About Developer

I am Minhajur Rahman Khan from Gazipur, Bangladesh. I have completed BSc in Engineering in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) from a public University and MBA in Finance from a Private University. In my student life I have started my computer programming by QBASIC and then FORTRAN. After that learn many programming & scripting language (C, C++, Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, Visual C#. NET, PHP,  ASP,  ASP.NET), Relational Database Management & Programming (i.e. Oracle, MS SQL Server, MySQL, DB2). In my student life I have developed a professional software for a money transfer company and handed over successfully. I have also developed a dictionary software in my student life which was also copyright in that time with my name. After my student life I have started my career as a software developer in 2008. In 2009 I have joined as a Business Analyst in telecom sector. In 2010 I have started a new journey as a Business Intelligence (BI) professional in telecom sector where I got opportunity to play with large scale of data for data mining, customer profiling, data modeling, data analysis, reporting. In that period I have gathered professional experienced in Oracle, MS SQL Server as well as DB2. I have also got certificate of OCA during that period. Presently I am working as a data analytics professional  in insurance sector. During this career life, I become expert in Data Analytics (Data Science & Engineering) field by applying machine learning in the business. During this period I have also become expert in statistical programming softwares (R, Stata). I have also started learning Python and hope within a short period I’ll become expert in this programming also.

I have passion in programming and working with data analytics.

During my student and professional life, I have faced many problems. So, I was thinking how I can help others with my experience. According to my experience, I planned to develop a website and publish different experiences, solutions, tips on that site.  This site is not not only for mine, it is ours who are facing problem and seeking help from others. Please don’t hesitate to contact with me in our facebook page http://www.facebook.com/freetechtrainer if you required any help. You are also open to publish any topics on our site, just let me know on our facebook page.