Loop in C
September 12, 2018
There are different kinds of loops are used in C:
Pre-test Loops:
//while Loop while (c < 10) c++; //for Loop for (c = 2; c <= 10; c += 2) printf("\nValue: %d\n",c); Note: if you want to use multiple statements in the loop you have to write statements within {}. i.e. int i=1; for (c = 2; c <= 10; c += 2) { printf("Iteration: ",i); i++; printf("\nValue: %d\n",c); }
Post-test Loop:
//do-while loop do c++; while (c < 10);
Breaking out of loops:
int i = 0; while (true) { if (i == 5) break; i++; }
Continue to next iteration:
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (i < 4) continue; printf("%d",i); // Only prints 4 }