ASCII Characters

ASCII stands for American Standard Code for Information Interchange. ASCII code, was created in 1963 by the American Standards Association (ASA) Committee, the agency changed its name in 1969 by American National Standards Institute (ANSI) as it is known since.It serves as a character encoding standard for modern computers.  ASCII is a 7-bit character set. There are three categories in ASCII characters:

  • Control ASCII Characters (0-31)
  • Printable ASCII Characters (32-127)
  • Extended ASCII Characters (128-255)

Now let’s see the category-wise list of each characters.

Control ASCII Characters (0-31):

ASCII Value Symbol Name Symbol Description
0 NULL (Null character)
1 SOH (Start of Header)
2 STX (Start of Text)
3 ETX (End of Text)
4 EOT (End of Transmission)
5 ENQ (Enquiry)
6 ACK (Acknowledgement)
7 BEL (Bell)
8 BS (Backspace)
9 HT (Horizontal Tab)
10 LF (Line feed)
11 VT (Vertical Tab)
12 FF (Form feed)
13 CR (Carriage return)
14 SO (Shift Out)
15 SI (Shift In)
16 DLE (Data link escape)
17 DC1 (Device control 1)
18 DC2 (Device control 2)
19 DC3 (Device control 3)
20 DC4 (Device control 4)
21 NAK (Negative acknowledgement)
22 SYN (Synchronous idle)
23 ETB (End of transmission block)
24 CAN (Cancel)
25 EM (End of medium)
26 SUB (Substitute)
27 ESC (Escape)
28 FS (File separator)
29 GS (Group separator)
30 RS (Record separator)
31 US (Unit separator)

Printable ASCII Characters (32-127):

ASCII Value Character Name Character Description
32 (Space)
33 ! (Exclamation mark)
34 (Quotation mark ; quotes)
35 # (Number sign)
36 $ (Dollar sign)
37 % (Percent sign)
38 & (Ampersand)
39 (Apostrophe)
40 ( (round brackets or parentheses)
41 ) (round brackets or parentheses)
42 * (Asterisk)
43 + (Plus sign)
44 , (Comma)
45 (Hyphen)
46 . (Dot , full stop)
47 / (Slash)
48 0 (number zero)
49 1 (number one)
50 2 (number two)
51 3 (number three)
52 4 (number four)
53 5 (number five)
54 6 (number six)
55 7 (number seven)
56 8 (number eight)
57 9 (number nine)
58 : (Colon)
59 ; (Semicolon)
60 < (Less-than sign)
61 = (Equals sign)
62 > (Greater-than sign ; Inequality)
63 ? (Question mark)
64 @ (At sign)
65 A (Capital A)
66 B (Capital B)
67 C (Capital C)
68 D (Capital D)
69 E (Capital E)
70 F (Capital F)
71 G (Capital G)
72 H (Capital H)
73 I (Capital I)
74 J (Capital J)
75 K (Capital K)
76 L (Capital L)
77 M (Capital M)
78 N (Capital N)
79 O (Capital O)
80 P (Capital P)
81 Q (Capital Q)
82 R (Capital R)
83 S (Capital S)
84 T (Capital T)
85 U (Capital U)
86 V (Capital V)
87 W (Capital W)
88 X (Capital X)
89 Y (Capital Y)
90 Z (Capital Z)
91 [ (square brackets or box brackets)
92 \ (Backslash)
93 ] (square brackets or box brackets)
94 ^ (Caret or circumflex accent)
95 _ (underscore , understrike , underbar or low line)
96 ` (Grave accent)
97 a (Lowercase  a )
98 b (Lowercase  b )
99 c (Lowercase  c )
100 d (Lowercase  d )
101 e (Lowercase  e )
102 f (Lowercase  f )
103 g (Lowercase  g )
104 h (Lowercase  h )
105 i (Lowercase  i )
106 j (Lowercase  j )
107 k (Lowercase  k )
108 l (Lowercase  l )
109 m (Lowercase  m )
110 n (Lowercase  n )
111 o (Lowercase  o )
112 p (Lowercase  p )
113 q (Lowercase  q )
114 r (Lowercase  r )
115 s (Lowercase  s )
116 t (Lowercase  t )
117 u (Lowercase  u )
118 v (Lowercase  v )
119 w (Lowercase  w )
120 x (Lowercase  x )
121 y (Lowercase  y )
122 z (Lowercase  z )
123 { (curly brackets or braces)
124 | (vertical-bar, vbar, vertical line or vertical slash)
125 } (curly brackets or braces)
126 ~ (Tilde ; swung dash)
127 DEL (Delete)

Extended ASCII Characters (128-255):

ASCII Value Symbol Name Symbol Description
128 Ç (Majuscule C-cedilla)
129 ü (letter “u” with umlaut or diaeresis ; “u-umlaut”)
130 é (letter “e” with acute accent or “e-acute”)
131 â (letter “a” with circumflex accent or “a-circumflex”)
132 ä (letter “a” with umlaut or diaeresis ; “a-umlaut”)
133 à (letter “a” with grave accent)
134 å (letter “a”  with a ring)
135 ç (Minuscule c-cedilla)
136 ê (letter “e” with circumflex accent or “e-circumflex”)
137 ë (letter “e” with umlaut or diaeresis ; “e-umlaut”)
138 è (letter “e” with grave accent)
139 ï (letter “i” with umlaut or diaeresis ; “i-umlaut”)
140 î (letter “i” with circumflex accent or “i-circumflex”)
141 ì (letter “i” with grave accent)
142 Ä (letter “A” with umlaut or diaeresis ; “A-umlaut”)
143 Å (Capital letter “A”  with a ring)
144 É (Capital letter “E” with acute accent or “E-acute”)
145 æ (Latin diphthong “ae” in lowercase)
146 Æ (Latin diphthong “AE” in uppercase)
147 ô (letter “o” with circumflex accent or “o-circumflex”)
148 ö (letter “o” with umlaut or diaeresis ; “o-umlaut”)
149 ò (letter “o” with grave accent)
150 û (letter “u” with circumflex accent or “u-circumflex”)
151 ù (letter “u” with grave accent)
152 ÿ (Lowercase letter “y” with diaeresis)
153 Ö (letter “O” with umlaut or diaeresis ; “O-umlaut”)
154 Ü (letter “U” with umlaut or diaeresis ; “U-umlaut”)
155 ø (slashed zero or empty set)
156 £ (Pound sign ; symbol for the pound sterling)
157 Ø (slashed zero or empty set)
158 × (multiplication sign)
159 ƒ (function sign ; f with hook sign ; florin sign )
160 á (letter “a” with acute accent or “a-acute”)
161 í (letter “i” with acute accent or “i-acute”)
162 ó (letter “o” with acute accent or “o-acute”)
163 ú (letter “u” with acute accent or “u-acute”)
164 ñ (letter “n” with tilde ; enye)
165 Ñ (letter “N” with tilde ; enye)
166 ª (feminine ordinal indicator)
167 º (masculine ordinal indicator)
168 ¿ (Inverted question marks)
169 ® (Registered trademark symbol)
170 ¬ (Logical negation symbol)
171 ½ (One half)
172 ¼ (Quarter or  one fourth)
173 ¡ (Inverted exclamation marks)
174 « (Angle quotes or guillemets)
175 » (Guillemets or  angle quotes)
179 (Box drawing character)
180 (Box drawing character)
181 Á (Capital letter “A” with acute accent or “A-acute”)
182 Â (letter “A” with circumflex accent or “A-circumflex”)
183 À (letter “A” with grave accent)
184 © (Copyright symbol)
185 (Box drawing character)
186 (Box drawing character)
187 (Box drawing character)
188 (Box drawing character)
189 ¢ (Cent symbol)
190 ¥ (YEN and YUAN sign)
191 (Box drawing character)
192 (Box drawing character)
193 (Box drawing character)
194 (Box drawing character)
195 (Box drawing character)
196 (Box drawing character)
197 (Box drawing character)
198 ã (Lowercase letter “a” with tilde or “a-tilde”)
199 Ã (Capital letter “A” with tilde or “A-tilde”)
200 (Box drawing character)
201 (Box drawing character)
202 (Box drawing character)
203 (Box drawing character)
204 (Box drawing character)
205 (Box drawing character)
206 (Box drawing character)
207 ¤ (generic currency sign)
208 ð (Lowercase letter “eth”)
209 Ð (Capital letter “Eth”)
210 Ê (letter “E” with circumflex accent or “E-circumflex”)
211 Ë (letter “E” with umlaut or diaeresis ; “E-umlaut”)
212 È (letter “E” with grave accent)
213 ı (lowercase dot less i)
214 Í (Capital letter “I” with acute accent or “I-acute”)
215 Î (letter “I” with circumflex accent or “I-circumflex”)
216 Ï (letter “I” with umlaut or diaeresis ; “I-umlaut”)
217 (Box drawing character)
218 (Box drawing character)
219 (Block)
220 (Bottom half block)
221 ¦ (vertical broken bar)
222 Ì (letter “I” with grave accent)
223 (Top half block)
224 Ó (Capital letter “O” with acute accent or “O-acute”)
225 ß (letter “Eszett” ; “scharfes S” or “sharp S”)
226 Ô (letter “O” with circumflex accent or “O-circumflex”)
227 Ò (letter “O” with grave accent)
228 õ (letter “o” with tilde or “o-tilde”)
229 Õ (letter “O” with tilde or “O-tilde”)
230 µ (Lowercase letter “Mu” ; micro sign or micron)
231 þ (Lowercase letter “Thorn”)
232 Þ (Capital letter “thorn”)
233 Ú (Capital letter “U” with acute accent or “U-acute”)
234 Û (letter “U” with circumflex accent or “U-circumflex”)
235 Ù (letter “U” with grave accent)
236 ý (Lowercase letter “y” with acute accent)
237 Ý (Capital letter “Y” with acute accent)
238 ¯ (macron symbol)
239 ´ (Acute accent)
240 ­ (Hyphen)
241 ± (Plus-minus sign)
242 (underline or underscore)
243 ¾ (three quarters)
244 (paragraph sign or pilcrow)
245 § (Section sign)
246 ÷ (The division sign ; Obelus)
247 ¸ (cedilla)
248 ° (degree symbol )
249 ¨ (Diaeresis)
250 · (Interpunct or space dot)
251 ¹ (superscript one)
252 ³ (cube or superscript three)
253 ² (Square or superscript two)
254 (black square)
255 nbsp (non-breaking space or no-break space)

I have an another post MS SQL Server ASCII Function where you will learn about using ASCII code of MS SQL Server.

In this tutorial, I have shown you total list of ASCII characters. Hope you have enjoyed the tutorial. If you want to get updated, like my facebook page and stay connected.

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